The best business for your body is......


When I began my first company in 2011/2012, I lived in a body that was panicked, fearful, anxious, sleep-deprived. I was living in fight-or-flight energy nearly every single day. I wish I knew how I could create a business that would help me heal back them. So, I’m here to help you do that for you.

The best business for your body is one that:

  • Respects your body’s physical boundaries

  • Follows your lead instead of running the show

  • Speaks to your heart

  • Supports your financial needs (and desires)

  • Expands on your values, whatever they are

  • Helps you grow into your potential

  • Isn’t always perfect, but one that is open to improvement

You will enjoy your business so much more if you require it to have a dignified relationship with your body. It won’t always be available to you, of course. Like in any relationship there will be times you give more than you wish you had to, or more than you’re physically able to give. But since you own your own business, you have the ability to dial it in to what you need it to be for you. It will take trial and error, but the MOST important part is establishing those ‘want matches’ ahead of time.

In order to establish your Want Match with your business, just take the points from above and elaborate on them. How can your business respect your physical boundaries? Would it be that you have a certain amount of sleep you get? Would it be that you set boundaries with clients and social media? Whatever it is, approaching these questions with love for you, love for the world and a realist lens WILL help.